chevron_rightDo I have to belong to the association and pay homeowner fees?
This depends on what the CC&R’s state for your community. In most association, all owners must belong to the association. And, most owners must pay homeowner fees. In Campeche Shores as an owner of property you are a member and must pay the annual fees.
chevron_rightHow do I pay my homeowner fees?
Once the annual budget has been adopted, you will receive a statement approximately 30 days prior to the new budget year. This statement will have details of the amount of your payment and the address for mailing your payment. You can pay by check or credit card online at https://cabpayments.mutualofomahabank.com/
chevron_rightWhat happens if I do not make my payment on time?
It is customary for the Board of Directors to adopt a Resolution, which sets forth the payment deadlines as well as a late fee and finance charges to be imposed if the payment is not received by the due date. This late fee and finance charges are added to your account. The CC&R’s will also state remedies for collection, which may include lien enforcement.
chevron_rightWho decides how much I have to pay in homeowner fees?
Normally, the Board of Directors of the Association establishes the annual operating budget and reserve requirements. The governing documents set forth how the assessment is to be levied.
Board Meetings & Directors
chevron_rightCan I attend Board Meetings?
Yes, as an owner you have the right to attend open meetings of the Board. Board meetings are designed for the purpose of decision-making and conducting association business.
chevron_rightIs it important for me to attend the Annual Meeting?
Yes. The Annual Meeting is one of the most important events of your association each year. The annual meeting is normally a forum intended to attract the participation of all association members. Owners are given a unique opportunity to receive information from the Board of Directors relative to board actions during the previous year and to learn about plans for the upcoming year. While, the main item of business is the election of the board of directors the annual meeting also allows owners to speak out on important issues. This is your opportunity to meet your neighbors and find out what is going on in your community
chevron_rightWhat is the role of the Board of Directors and how are they elected?
The Board of Directors of an association may act on behalf of the association as outlined in the governing documents of the Association. In the performance of their duties, officers and members of the board of directors shall exercise the care required of fiduciaries. Owners elect the Board of Directors at the annual meeting of the homeowners association
chevron_rightWho determines the Rules and Policies of my association?
Power is granted to the Board of Directors to adopt other rules and policies, but the governing documents as well as state statutes limit this authority. Rules and regulations are the operational and behavioral laws that apply directly to association residents. They clearly state acceptable and unacceptable conduct for all association members. The governing documents of your association sets forth the basic rules.
Building/home Maintenance
Deed Restriction/Rules
chevron_rightAre there neighborhood inspections and when do they occur?
Monthly inspections are conducted. The purpose of the inspections is to check all the lots and homes for noncompliance issues of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Please review the Deed Restriction document located in the document section of the website or contact CKM Property Management.
chevron_rightWhat do I need to know about the Declaration and Bylaws?
The underlying documents of the community association, apart from state law, are the Declarations, also referred to as Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R's) and the Bylaws. Declarations or CC&R's are the constitutional law of the association. The Declarations define the limits and inclusions of ownership for the owners and the association. Bylaws define the laws and operating procedures of the association. Bylaws detail the framework for governing the association that is authorized in the declaration. They address the association's structure, the board, the officers, definition of a quorum, ability to enter into contracts, etc.
chevron_rightWhat is a lien?
The Association can file a legal document setting forth their claim against an owner if maintenance fees, late fees, legal fees and other assessments are not paid. A lien encumbers the property and remains as a cloud on the title until paid. The lien is established in the restrictions.
chevron_rightWhat is the role of the management company?
The Board of Directors can engage the services of a management company to aid the Board in carrying out their responsibilities. Remember, Board members are volunteers while a management company is paid for its services. The management companies' services are retained to: Preserve assets. Maintain Value. Establish Continuity. Provide professional assistance in management and financial matters. Institute communication between the owners and the Board. Remember the Board of Directors make the decisions.
Pet Policy
chevron_rightWhat are the rules for animals (Pets)?
Hours of operation are from 8 am to 5 pm. An Animal Control Officer can only be called
out after hours or on weekends for the following reasons:
• Animal Bites
• Vicious Dog (not dogs running loose)
• Police Assistance
• Dead Animal in Right-of-Way (blocking traffic)
The City of Galveston will pick up animals in Jamaica Beach if requested through the Jamaica
Beach Police Department. You can reach them by calling (409) 737-1800.
Pirates Beach is currently not in our city limits. Please contact the Galveston County Animal
Control at (409) 938-2282 for assistance.
A member of the general public can file charges on an individual for violation of City Code.
Sec. 7-1. Running at large prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person owning, keeping or having any animal in
his possession or control to allow it to run at large upon the streets,
sidewalks, beaches or public grounds of the city, or to allow it to run at large
upon or about the residences, lots or premises of any person other than the
owner of such animal.
(b) [It shall be unlawful] to allow a dog or other animal to be or travel in the
public right-of-way while tethered to a chain, rope or cord and not being
under the immediate control of the owner of the animal or dog.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply if:
(1) Said animal is under the control of the owner or a person by means
of a chain, rope, cord or leash of not more than six (6) feet in length
and of sufficient strength to maintain such control;
(2) Such animal is participating in obedience training or competition,
dog shows, field trials or performing acts such as herding under the
control and supervision of an owner or handler;
(3) Said animal is found to be a vicious animal under section 7-15; or
(4) Said animal is an "exotic animal" as defined in section 7-29.
Sec. 7-4. Licensing of four-legged animals.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain any four-legged
animal upon any property within the city without making a full compliance
with all requirements of this chapter, including requirements for permits,
licenses and tags, as applicable.
Sec. 7-5. Harboring of dogs and cats.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, possess,
maintain or allow to be kept, harbored, possessed or maintained,
more than three (3) dogs or three (3) cats or a combination of said
animals with the total number not exceeding three (3) over three (3)
months old, upon or within any premises owned, occupied or under
control of such person within the city, unless such premises are
maintained and licensed as a commercial animal establishment,
private kennel or private cattery, as provided herein.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, possess,
maintain or allow to be kept, harbored, possessed or maintained,
more than two (2) dogs or two (2) cats, over the age of three (3)
months or a combination of said animals with the total number not
exceeding two (2) over three (3) months old upon any premises or
within any apartment of any multiple-dwelling structure within the
city at any one time.
(c) As used in subsection (b), the term "multiple dwelling" shall mean
any structure designed and intended to accommodate more than one
family and includes but is not limited to duplex buildings and
apartment buildings.
Sec. 7-17.1. Animal excrement laws.
This section shall not apply to horses on the public beaches.
(1) Owners of animals must pick up all of their animals' excrement that is
secreted off their property.
(2) Violations of the excrement law shall subject the owner to a fine from
ten dollars ($10.00) per violation to fifty dollars ($50.00) per violation.
For questions or additional information please contact the Galveston Police Department,
Animal Control Division at (409) 765-3702.